Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 3

It wasn't too hard not to spend money this day because I had a really busy day. I had a doctor's appointment, a car appointment, and an audition. Plus I worked at the bar last night. I had lunch with my Mom and for dinner I ate left overs from the night before. I did spend six dollars on some cans of Red Bull from 7eleven. I know, gross habit, but I don't smoke, drink coffee, or a lot of alcohol, so I need at least one vice. I also worked at the bar, so instead of going out and spending, I worked and made money. My overall day was good!

But since I've made a conscious effort to examine my spending, I've been having strange dreams. Last night I dreamt that I got off work and ordered food from fine dining restaurant Cecconi's. I ordered a black truffle pizza that cost 50 dollars. I felt really guilty about spending that money, but I justified it by the fact it was food. The dream was so realistic that I was relieved when I woke to find out it hadn't really happened. Hmm...I'm hungry.


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