Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 1

So far, my first day of fasting from spending has been a breeze. I've realized that not spending money is a lot easier than actually making money. Today, I have spent zero dollars, but I've also MADE zero dollars. So I guess we have a tied score: zero to zero.
Since I'm an actor, income is kind of non-predictable. I work, but not enough to get rid of my "day job" aka "night job" which is a restaurant job. Recently, I have had the luxury of cutting back my shifts at the bar because the acting gigs have been picking up. Unfortunately, the second I get a nice juicy check, I feel the obligation to reward myself with a shopping spree at the Beverly Center. I need to teach myself that spending money does not equal success and making it does. I'm learning that the reward is the actual acting job and not camel suede half boots from Aldo (although they are really cute).
But this about not spending...let me break down my first day.

I had a very productive morning, I made breakfast for myself (food I bought before the spending diet), I had a phone interview (for an online entertainment magazine), I went to the gym (I walked there, I'm green too), I cooked some lunch (gotta love frozen Trader Joe's), and did some writing. Very productive, sending free day. Tonight I have a workshop, which I did pay for a month ago. I know it's cheating a little. But I never said I wasn't going to spend ANY money, just LESS. And I'm trying to prioritize what is necessity and what is just excess.

Here are my lists:

-food: Things I can cook, and reasonable meals out.
-Toiletries: Shampoo, conditioner, everyday makeup (if I run out)
-Bills: Cable, Gas, Electric, Water, Gym, Internet, Cellphone, Car Lease, Insurance
-Gas: Car related maintenance
-Wellness: Doctors, Dentist, Medications, eyebrow wax (I'm sorry, I tried to do it myself and it took me a year to grow back my eyebrow)
-Career: Printing things and audition coaching (but only for big projects)

Anything that I can survive without.

Wish me luck!!

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