Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 2

So a girlfriend of mine called me yesterday and invited me to go to lunch. My first thought was to say no, but I didn't want to starve myself socially in addition to monetarily. So I thought for a minute, in the shower, that's where I get all my great ideas, "what could we do that wouldn't cost money?" I realized the main reason I wanted to see my friend was not to feed myself, but to talk and catch up (gossip about my boyfriend). I remembered that there is a great reservoir in Silverlake. It was perfect! She could bring her dog, we both could get a little exercise, and it wouldn't cost me a penny. Except for the fact that after our hour long walk, we grabbed a latte at a bourgeois coffee place, which cost me eight dollars. BUT that's way better than spending almost 20 dollars on the ahi nicoise salad I was eyeing. Am I right?

I cheated a little on BF's mom was in town and treated us. BUT I only could eat half of my bolognese and I took the rest home. Perfect for a meal tomorrow! Although, I kind of want it now.

So day 2 done. I feel good.

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