Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 3

It wasn't too hard not to spend money this day because I had a really busy day. I had a doctor's appointment, a car appointment, and an audition. Plus I worked at the bar last night. I had lunch with my Mom and for dinner I ate left overs from the night before. I did spend six dollars on some cans of Red Bull from 7eleven. I know, gross habit, but I don't smoke, drink coffee, or a lot of alcohol, so I need at least one vice. I also worked at the bar, so instead of going out and spending, I worked and made money. My overall day was good!

But since I've made a conscious effort to examine my spending, I've been having strange dreams. Last night I dreamt that I got off work and ordered food from fine dining restaurant Cecconi's. I ordered a black truffle pizza that cost 50 dollars. I felt really guilty about spending that money, but I justified it by the fact it was food. The dream was so realistic that I was relieved when I woke to find out it hadn't really happened. Hmm...I'm hungry.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 2

So a girlfriend of mine called me yesterday and invited me to go to lunch. My first thought was to say no, but I didn't want to starve myself socially in addition to monetarily. So I thought for a minute, in the shower, that's where I get all my great ideas, "what could we do that wouldn't cost money?" I realized the main reason I wanted to see my friend was not to feed myself, but to talk and catch up (gossip about my boyfriend). I remembered that there is a great reservoir in Silverlake. It was perfect! She could bring her dog, we both could get a little exercise, and it wouldn't cost me a penny. Except for the fact that after our hour long walk, we grabbed a latte at a bourgeois coffee place, which cost me eight dollars. BUT that's way better than spending almost 20 dollars on the ahi nicoise salad I was eyeing. Am I right?

I cheated a little on BF's mom was in town and treated us. BUT I only could eat half of my bolognese and I took the rest home. Perfect for a meal tomorrow! Although, I kind of want it now.

So day 2 done. I feel good.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 1

So far, my first day of fasting from spending has been a breeze. I've realized that not spending money is a lot easier than actually making money. Today, I have spent zero dollars, but I've also MADE zero dollars. So I guess we have a tied score: zero to zero.
Since I'm an actor, income is kind of non-predictable. I work, but not enough to get rid of my "day job" aka "night job" which is a restaurant job. Recently, I have had the luxury of cutting back my shifts at the bar because the acting gigs have been picking up. Unfortunately, the second I get a nice juicy check, I feel the obligation to reward myself with a shopping spree at the Beverly Center. I need to teach myself that spending money does not equal success and making it does. I'm learning that the reward is the actual acting job and not camel suede half boots from Aldo (although they are really cute).
But this about not spending...let me break down my first day.

I had a very productive morning, I made breakfast for myself (food I bought before the spending diet), I had a phone interview (for an online entertainment magazine), I went to the gym (I walked there, I'm green too), I cooked some lunch (gotta love frozen Trader Joe's), and did some writing. Very productive, sending free day. Tonight I have a workshop, which I did pay for a month ago. I know it's cheating a little. But I never said I wasn't going to spend ANY money, just LESS. And I'm trying to prioritize what is necessity and what is just excess.

Here are my lists:

-food: Things I can cook, and reasonable meals out.
-Toiletries: Shampoo, conditioner, everyday makeup (if I run out)
-Bills: Cable, Gas, Electric, Water, Gym, Internet, Cellphone, Car Lease, Insurance
-Gas: Car related maintenance
-Wellness: Doctors, Dentist, Medications, eyebrow wax (I'm sorry, I tried to do it myself and it took me a year to grow back my eyebrow)
-Career: Printing things and audition coaching (but only for big projects)

Anything that I can survive without.

Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Challenge

To all my Stylistas, Fashion Junkies, Spendaholics, and Shopping addicts out there: This is for you.

I writing this not only as a challenge for myself, but maybe to offer support to anyone out there who has an easier time cutting calories than cutting spending. Why is malnutrition way better than a Mal-nourished closet? I recently asked myself this very question. I'm almost 28, I've worked hard my entire life, I make decent money, and I have absolutely nothing to show for it. Excepted for two pairs of Louboutins, 3 LV purses, a Gucci Luggage set, practically the entire Marc Jacobs collection, and about 200 designer dresses. But today, I checked my bank balance, and I have 43 dollars to my name. Rent is due in less than two weeks and I barely have enough cash to pay for a tank of gas and a pack of gum.

Looking at me, you would never guess that I have such a hard time managing my money. I live in a fabulous one bedroom apartment in LA, I drive a luxury car, and I pretty much can wear a new outfit everyday for the next 30 years. My finance woes aren't as bad as some. One lucky thing, is I've paid off my student loans. Another, is I've restrained myself from opening credit cards, therefore, I live debt free. But, there still is no excuse for me scraping by each month. I'm rounding the bend to 30, and by then, I would like to have something to show for all my hard work. And by "something," I don't mean handbags, jeans, or DVF.

So, here it is: I am not going to spend money on anything unnecessary until December 2010. Now, that doesn't mean that once December hits I'm gonna go nuts. But by then, I will reassess my position, and hopefully make a new challenge. So if anyone is reads this, I hope that we can provide each other with support and faith.

Here's to making LESS spending MORE trendy.